About Michael Ambriano
I am a professional Sydney painter and printmaker who has developed a strong passion for the Australian bushland particularly around the Sutherland Shire of Sydney and areas beyond.
Painting trips have focussed on the Australian landscape, including Ganguddy (Wollemi National Park) Bundanon and the South Coast of NSW, Ben Boyd National Park, Central West NSW, Warrumbungle National Park, West MacDonnell Ranges-Larapinta, Pilliga Nature Reserves and Kosciusko National Park to mention a few.
My work is expressionist in nature and he has a simple overriding love of the bush that drives me. I paint primarily in oils and usually work from plein-air sketches. I’m driven by being physically immersed in the landscape, exploring the differences in light and structure, the smells of oil paint and eucalypt gums become merged in the silence, which is punctuated with the gentle bush rustles of animals and birds. This connection with the landscape lends itself to being captured with gestural hand and brush movements.
My paintings are the culmination of these seductive plein-air experiences expressed in a lusciousness of the oil paint surface luring the viewer to venture into the landscape for themselves and to appreciate the need to nurture what remains of our environment.